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I'm using Advanced Installer Professional from maybe 5 or 6 years. Previously I was using Installshield Express. I like your product, the professional version include almost anything I need and the price is right. My problem is, I create programs for clients and I have to delivered the source code. I'm also using Visual Studio Professional but I have to be sure that my solution will work with the free version Community. But when I said to the client they had to purchase the professional license to make modification to the setup program they challenge me to use another setup program. Many times the free version will do the job except the language. Most of my client work in French. Is it possible to add language support in the free version? Or at least, not able to create with new language but modify the setup created with the professonal version in another language than English.
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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